XMEGA Hello-Worlds
Using a Commandline Toolchain
This installation is more or less straightforward:
sudo apt get install ...
TODO: do a fresh install and make notes.
Cross pack is a great bundle available via homebrew for these tools. Unfortunately, currently (3/21/2016) it doesn't include avr-libc v2.0, and so doesn't include support for the xmega8e5. I made an experimental homebrew tap with avr-libc v2.0 and arg-gcc 5.3.0. To get it, run:
brew tap calischs/homebrew-avr
brew install calischs/avr/avr-gcc53
brew install calischs/avr/avr-libc20
Also, as of 11/30/2017, there seems to be some strange behavior when trying to use an Atmel Ice programmer from a mac. When you try to program, you may see an error message from usbdev_open() about not claiming the interface. I used the answer posted here (post 32 and 33) -- the attached kext file already has the correct VID and PID. A full restart was required.