Test data hosted here:
* gridrec reconstruction algorithm working
* assumes parallel beam (not cone-beam)
* ~10 minutes for reconstruction of 750 projections of 1.5k x 1.9k pixels
* jupyter notebook works for decimated data (x1/2, x1/4) but stalls on the full dataset, regular python is recommended for large datasets
* visualization using [ipyvolume]( in jupyter notebook
To do:
* cone-beam reconstruction
* [ASTRA toolbox]( in tomopy
* or DIY
* cone to para:
* FDK is commonly used for 3D reconstruction which rebins the cone-beam data as a tilted fan projection
* one step further would be to rebin from cone --> tilted fans --> parallel
* see if the reconstruction of the full data set is more reliable on a heftier workstation
* C14/Carbon?